This time, darlin....
I just re-read my post from yesterday (which is something I rarely do), and although I guess I had to get it all out, it sure is hard for me to look at...I guess that's the point, though. Thanks to everyone who wrote & left me comments; I know when you lay it all out like that, it seems like the answer is so clear-cut, but I wish it was as simple as just calling Roxanne & telling her how I feel. She knows full well how I feel...I've told her as often as I could ever since I was able to finally put it into words myself, but it's still all's my actions that put me where I am, and no amount of talking or confessing is going to fix it. Maybe if I could actually have the chance to prove it to her with my actions again, but I've had more than one chance already, and I blew them all; her giving me another one doesn't seem too likely.
She's in a relationship now, and we hardly even talk anymore. We see each other a handful times a year, at one of her brother's shows or something, but the person she's been with for the past couple of years is very....wary of me, to say the least, and I'm rarely given any chance to say more than 2 words to her. She won't allow me to call her because she feels like she has to go behind someone's back to talk to me, and so, out of respect for that, she won't talk to me on the phone.
But I still write her every week, I go and see every show that she's in as many times as I can, I send her cards on her birthday & Christmas, I try to find any excuse I can to see her. And she knows that I know that letting her go was the biggest mistake I ever made...but that's about all I can do. She writes me back with short, polite, impersonal replies most of the time, and on the few occasions I've poured my heart out to her, her responses have been....well, I don't know what they've been. I know that she still cares about me, and still has feelings for me buried somewhere down in there...she's told me that much, but she always stops way short of saying anything that would make me think she might act on them again. I know that she still wants me to be in her life, in some way or another, I've asked her outright, and I've given her plenty of chances to push me out & slam the door if she really wanted me gone, but for all the contact we have, that's what she might as well have done...
About a year ago, her relationship (which, I should point out now, with full objectivity, is nothing more than an extended rebound relationship with a person that she would not even give the time of day to under normal circumstances, but who just happened to be right there to catch her when I dropped her) had hit a rocky patch, and for just a short while, we were actually almost talking again. I wrote her letters with more soul-searching in them than anything I've written here, and I told her everything that I felt, and explained to her the best way I could (which, admittedly, still wasn't very good) what had happened that had caused me to do what I did. We shared a few exchanges that really went a long way in clearing the air between us after all these years, and, although there were no magic words that made her forgive me & wipe the slate clean, I really thought we were on the way to at least being friends again, and communicating....but after a while, they worked their problems out & it was back to the rear of the line for me.
And I can't say that I blame her one bit, even now. If I were her, I can't imagine what it would take for me to trust somebody else who was in my position after all that had happened. I'm not sure if anything will ever allow her to trust me like that again...and I still wouldn't blame her for it. Hell, I still don't even really have a handle on why I did what I did in the first place...and even if I do know why, I have no clue if I'd be able to stop myself from just freaking out & leaving her hanging again. I sure like to think I've learned my lesson, but this is me we're talking about here...
After all, she already forgave me once. I haven't talked about all of it yet, but after I had freaked out & left her high & dry when she moved to town....after Angela & all the rest, and after I thought I had gotten my head all straightened out & knew what I wanted, I did call her and apologize, and tell her I loved her, and I was sorry, and I made a huge mistake in leaving her, and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, and I would never do it again.....but I did.
She opened her heart up to me again & forgave me and let herself believe that we would live happily ever after...and I freaked out & did the exact same thing all over clockwork. Only this time, I shut down even more; I shut myself off from my friends, my job....from everything. There were other factors; my head turned out to not be on so straight, my health was still not great & there were plenty of stressful things in my life, but none of that was any excuse for me to just fold the way I did, and just leave her hanging out to dry. Twice. And the way I look at it, plenty of people never get ONE chance in their lives to find someone that loves them the way she loved me....much less two chances. The odds of me getting a third time at bat here (or anywhere worthwhile, really) just don't seem too good. But, it's nobody's fault but mine...I know that. I made my bed, and I have to lie in it....
...but it doesn't mean I have to be happy with it.