Saturday, September 24, 2005
Previous Posts
- Don't Go Back to Rockville...
- A million miles away...
- Born to run...
- Screw you guys, I'm goin' home...
- Blah...
- Who the hell did I think I was?
- Do the Right Thing
- Take Away This Ball & Chain...
- Mushrooms After Midnight...
- Triangle Man...

Great photographics. Do more of those, less women, won't starve. Good luck.
Yet another artistic aspect of you :). Don't stop!!! I love the photos... I tend to hold on to "leftovers" for posterity and a reminder of what has been. I don't do "holdovers" - but you've inspired me to write more on these topics ... there's definitely something to that psychological phenomena so I thought I'd elaborate more...
Very neat looks like the leftovers have been assimilated into being a part of you.
great pictures. if you don't mind me asking, what techniques did you use to get them???
i don't have that many leftovers. most of the guys i've been with (besides my husband, of course) never gave me much. they were all dickheads.
I was just messing around in Photoshop...I probably didn't spent more than a few minutes on each one, nothin' fancy.
I linked to you from a comment on my site about your whole blog persona.... I'm glad I don't have as many ex's as you to keep track of. I might not sleep at night.
Hmmm... an ex referred to herself as a princess?? I didn't take you for the "princess" type. Me thinks Veronica may be an interesting story:)
I dig the Bruce Campbell book.
All of them took maybe 5 minutes in Photoshop with just some basic does help hide the dirtiness of my apartment, tho ;)
Ain't Bruce's book great?
have you ever seen High Fidelity??
those are some awesome pictures!
A fellow pack rat.
Check it out,
we are ALL leftovers...
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