Saturday, September 24, 2005


It should be pointed out that Leftovers are different from Holdovers....

A Holdover is a personal item belonging to one party in the breakup that is intentionally left at the former partner's house after the breakup specifically to create an opportunity for one party to have a reason to speak to the other again.
I.E., "Oh, do you mind if I drop buy & pick up that broken lava lamp I left in the spare room? Maybe it'd give us a chance"

A Leftover is is a personal item belonging to one party in the breakup that was simply left behind & forgotten, or even in some cases, a gift or random item that the recieving party has kept over the years, for one reason or another. I've just realized that I seem to have misplaced a lot of my Leftovers, but if I dig 'em up that'll give me an excuse to use my sweet new camera again...


Blogger PrincessMax recalled...

What about stuff he takes with him when he moves out (like books or Star Wars figures) that you then have to go retrieve? What's that called?

Saturday, September 24, 2005 2:09:00 PM  
Blogger ExBF recalled...

Hmmm, I think those are called hostages ;)

Saturday, September 24, 2005 5:45:00 PM  
Blogger cosmopolgirl recalled...

Interesting blog! I like your explanations of holdovers and leftovers. Dating sucks doesn't it??

Saturday, September 24, 2005 7:57:00 PM  
Blogger magicgirl recalled...

my last leftover was a pair of trousers i never liked, a book in a language I find hard to read, and a pair of not really new ex, called me up 3 months after we broke up to tell me he has to give me back these items..and that he would leave them outside my door. bizarre, his phone conversation really shook me up, and quiet frankly I didnt want the stuff...I told him to bin it...
strange are the times following the end. I guess he just didnt want stuff in his house to remind him of me.
I would like to add a third catagory/ the returner. I have an ex, that bought back all my stuff and all the girfts he ever got from me...[and an almost finished shampoo bottle]. The returner is the holdover but in an angry hurt way...its very unpleasant.good way to get your dics back, and re-gift:))))

Sunday, September 25, 2005 1:58:00 AM  
Blogger M@ recalled...

Holdovers and Leftovers--good stuff. When you get a little older you might see one other category--Takeovers.

For example, my ex-girlfriend took over more than $10,000 of my money! Damn. You certainly got a good name for this blog--good branding and nice-lookin'.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:59:00 PM  
Blogger pookalu recalled...

I would like to add a third catagory/ the returner. I have an ex, that bought back all my stuff and all the girfts he ever got from me...[and an almost finished shampoo bottle]. The returner is the holdover but in an angry hurt way...its very unpleasant.good way to get your dics back, and re-gift:))))

i did that to an ex -- it was extremely passive aggressive of me -- he ended up (amongst other things) with two bowling balls, three huge boxes filled with gifts he had given me (we lived together), all which he had to deal with when he moved in with his sister in her tiny studio apartment...and this was on top of all the shit he had of his own.

Monday, September 26, 2005 8:51:00 AM  

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