Another Day Older & Deeper in Debt....
Well, we got through it ok. It looked like, for a minute there, that the family was going to keep up the peace after it was all done, but right after the funeral yesterday, they all split off into the opposing factions again & went their seperate ways. I'm sure my grandpa appreciated having to roll over in his grave just as he was getting comfortable in it...
Regardless, it went as nicely as it could go, and I think better days are in store for my mom & hopefully everyone else, as well. I'm just bone-tired from dealing with it all. We drove by my grandparents house where I grew up yesterday, and we didn't realize they had already started to tear it was only sold a couple of weeks ago. Like my mom truly is the end of an era.
And hopefully, the start of a new one...for me, anyway. We'll see what happens, I guess. Roxanne did write me to send me her condolances, and it was nice to hear from her...and even nicer not to freak out about it. Thanks so much to all of you who left comments & sent me e-mails wishing me & my family well...they helped get me through the day. And thanks for being patient with my posting; I'll have a real entry tomorrow night.
But probably not today...'cus it's my birthday today. I've now officially lived longer than Jesus did...but I'm still a good ways behind on the things-I've-accomplished list. I'm workin' on it, tho...

to me...
Regardless, it went as nicely as it could go, and I think better days are in store for my mom & hopefully everyone else, as well. I'm just bone-tired from dealing with it all. We drove by my grandparents house where I grew up yesterday, and we didn't realize they had already started to tear it was only sold a couple of weeks ago. Like my mom truly is the end of an era.
And hopefully, the start of a new one...for me, anyway. We'll see what happens, I guess. Roxanne did write me to send me her condolances, and it was nice to hear from her...and even nicer not to freak out about it. Thanks so much to all of you who left comments & sent me e-mails wishing me & my family well...they helped get me through the day. And thanks for being patient with my posting; I'll have a real entry tomorrow night.
But probably not today...'cus it's my birthday today. I've now officially lived longer than Jesus did...but I'm still a good ways behind on the things-I've-accomplished list. I'm workin' on it, tho...

to me...
Enjoy your day!
Best wishes.
Happy Birthday, Spidey! Wear those boots with pride.
happy happy joy joy! spreading the love truly deserve a break.
Enjoy your day! Let nothing get to you today!
Have a wonderful birthday!!
Happy Birthday, old man!
Actually, I wish I was as young as you are. I'll be 40 in less than 2 months. UGH!!!!
Hope your day turns out exactly as you want it to.
You sound tired. I hope you take some time for yourself this birthday. :)
well, at least the older you get the more spidey sense you gain ;)
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear fellow blogger, happy birthday to you...........and many more...........
I hope you have a great day!!!
Happy Birthday!
I am just a lurker, but thought I would leave a comment. Sorry about your granddad and the stuff going on with your family.
Have a wonderful day, and may God Bless you and your mom.
Happy Birthday!
Have a blessed day. Enjoy it!
Hey ex!! I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the past few days. I can't wait to continue the story. Sorry about your Grandfather. Happy Birthday
happy birthday, spiderman! (a day late...)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope you had a good one. stop being such a stranger! :-)
Wow. This is a weird place to be. I've just found (and proceeded to read in it's entirety) your blog, so of course I want to say, "~Brill~iantly done!" But your grandfather has passed away and it's your birthday, so that reaction seems somewhat...selfish.
So. Instead I will say, I'm so sorry for your loss and wish you a belated happy birthday.
I'm out of the country and only got computer access again today... BELATED Happy Birthday!!!!
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