Happy Endings?
I know, I left everybody hangin'...I feel bad, trust me. I haven't forgotten all you guys, and I've really wanted to take time to tell everybody how great things have been going, but every time I start to take the time out to write, I decide I'd rather be out there living it than writing about it....right now, anyway.
Suffice it to say that I'm very happy...more than I've been in a long, long time. And for once, instead of dwelling on the past, I'm all about the future...it looks pretty bright. I'm sure I'll be back at some point, but I just had to say thanks to everyone for giving a damn & for letting me exorcise my demons here; it helped more than I can tell you. A lot more.
I never thought I would say this, but with any luck at all, there will be no more ex-girlfriends. I think I might have finally run out of colors....

I'll leave it up to your imagination.
Gotta run; someone's calling me.....love you guys!
Suffice it to say that I'm very happy...more than I've been in a long, long time. And for once, instead of dwelling on the past, I'm all about the future...it looks pretty bright. I'm sure I'll be back at some point, but I just had to say thanks to everyone for giving a damn & for letting me exorcise my demons here; it helped more than I can tell you. A lot more.
I never thought I would say this, but with any luck at all, there will be no more ex-girlfriends. I think I might have finally run out of colors....

I'll leave it up to your imagination.
Gotta run; someone's calling me.....love you guys!
ummm, wow?!!
Let me be the first to congratulate you!!
really...this is great news. congratulations ex.
mikey (pulverradio)
Of all the blogs I read, I am happiest that this one made its way to a happy ending. :)
That is incredible news...congrats!!!!!
Do check in from time to time, just so we know how you're doing. And when the wedding is. Oh, and the babies too!
what what what!? HURRAY!!! congrats, ex!
[you should think of a new alias.]
I have read your blog from start to finish. I can't lie I am sad that it's over, but happy that everything is working out for you now. Good luck.
YAY!!!! Sounds like great news. While I've missed so much, being able to chat with you on late nights, I am absolutely thrilled to see some happiness in your life :). My life mirror -- so maybe there's hope for me too :-P. Take care. Miss you!
X - glad to hear the great news! i wanted to let you know that I just posted an excellent guest blog on my blog, which analyzes the ex-girlfriend project. i think you and your readers might like it.
cheers, milo
Cheers! May your future be only happiness!
Well, then this goes to prove that letting it ALL out does help...lol..Geez, u dont know how happy I am for u. I mean nobody here really knows one another but yet, we seem to be drawn to each others lives, some more than others, but either way, we are connected to ur feelings and I am sure all of ur blogger buddies are very happy to hear this.....Hot diggity dog, ExBF aint EX no more...luv ya...
Best of wishes to u, we will b here waiting for any little update we can get....
Happy New Year to you
How did i manage to only find your blog at the end of it all... Bah lol best of luck ...
Hey, I found your blog through a Yahoo link, I think. But, it's been fun to read and I am very happy that you seem to have found a way to some self actualization and happy satisfaction.
Rock on!
I too, found your blog through a yahoo link just recently. Although I am sad the blog is 'over' for now, I am extremely happy that you have found happiness! Congratulations and best of luck to you!
Congratulations, ExBF!
Love the blog, I have only just started reading but its good to know there is a happy ending!
I'm really, honestly, well and truly happy for you! You're the man and you're writing is utterly pro! Maybe now you can reveal your secret identity like the silver-armoured spiderman from the alternate universe? ;)
Reading your work has been a real help and I wish you the best.
new blog: http://mandalists.blogspot.com/
miss ya! keep in touch!
will you ever blog again?
- http://someones-ex-gf.com
When are you going blog again?
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